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Well hello there young one. My name is Orin! I'm from the diamond planet Spectra and am a Spectran Sprite (hence why I have circles on the ends of my antennae instead of stars like the Sprites from Rainbow Land). I gave my robotic horse, On-X, to young Krys so that he could help Rainbow Brite fight the darkness in our universe. I also gave Krys his wrist-prism which can be used to fight evil as long as the rainbow is nearby. Krys and Rainbow Brite make a great team - now if I could only get them to stop fighting with each other! Kids...

Interesting Facts:

Orin has spheres on the ends of his antenna in the movie, Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer. But in the Comic Book adaptation of the movie, he has half moons like Nite Sprite.


1997-2024 Katy Cartee Haile
Rainbow Brite is a registered 
trademark of Hallmark Licensing
