Feeln is a movie subscription service showing films that entertain, inspire and delight audiences of all ages. Subscribers can enjoy a broad range of movies, including Hollywood blockbusters, critically acclaimed Oscar winners, and classic favorites.

Feeln also features a selection of over 80 Original Short Films, expertly crafted stories that are internally written, cast, directed and produced.

Academy award winning producer Rob Fried founded Feeln. Prior to this, Rob produced the classic inspiring film “Rudy”, and was part of the executive team Behind “Hoosiers” and many other successful films.

Feeln is a division of Hallmark, and is based in Los Angeles. At Feeln, a team of passionate filmmakers produces and curates well crafted movies that tell great stories, and can be enjoyed by any member of the family.


  • 30th Annual Telly Awards
  • 1st Place Silver – Animation: THE CRACKED POT
  • 1st Place Silver – Education: MONTGOMERY
  • 2010 Mom’s Choice Award
  • Online Resources Gold Recipient – Feeln Originals